
So bored >

Life so boring

May 26 2007, 8:29 PM

Um dot dot dot school almost other right? three more weeks for me  ><  i guess the createblog is kinda  confusing   myspace is easer to bad i cant be a layout whore on this wed thingie xD  so how life for peopel here and so on and whats fun about this web if you dont no anyone and dont have anyfriend :' sad sucks butt fee like its the first day of school or something  :D haha well i hope learn someting about this wed more  eekkkk :DD




-Milaaaaa xD


micron: heyhey, its really easy to customizing cb provided you know... 05-27-07 06:20 AM
hi-res: Hello, my name is Kiera! If you want to costomize your... 05-26-07 08:52 PM

Lets fly away to Neveraland?!?!

May 25 2007, 2:43 AM

Lets make this simple ;] I have a name; who doesnt and thats Mila oh snap crackle pop amazed ;D goody now you noe my name. Actually im from another city but lets keep that personal since i dont need anymore stalkers. Status: Sophomore @ Pioneer High class of 'o9 cheyeaaa'. Lets just say im your typical azn friend that you will ever meet... as in "weird". OH btw i have an awesome middle name that makes a face XD; Xuan Dao fyi its Viet dont noe it you should learn it, but it might sound chinese-ish + french-ish = vietnamese and why?? cause we were obviously dominated sadly durrr dont believe me try (: um.. wanna noe more sn: x1AznDreamers1x ( its a band for those that are cool like those who noes) v^_^v 


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  • Female
  • 16 years old


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Last update Jun 2, 2007
